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History of the „Geniesserrestaurant Lodner“ 

In the middle of the heart of Lauingen – in the immediate vicinity of the Schimmelturm – one building stands out in particular: a house built in 1873 with playful stucco facades from the origins of Art Nouveau, in a delicate shade of yellow. Over the years, the ravages of time have gnawed at the building, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the famous “Hotel Drei Mohren”.

  • 1989: Alexander Lodner bought the house with a two-year renovation phase afterwards.
  • 1991: Opening of the “Wiener Kaffeehaus” with Austrian coffee specialties and fine cakes. At the same time four guest rooms were available.
  • 1992: Start with small, fine dishes and a constantly growing menu.
  • 1994: Expansion of the hotel business by two more rooms to six rooms.
  • 1995: Introduction of the home-style menu.
  • 1997: Wedding with Sigrid Lodner in December.
  • 1998: Birth of the first son Matthias. Introduction of the “Schlemmerkarte”. Renovation of the external facade of the building.
  • 1999: Completion of the renovation work on the wine cellar and opportunities for wine tasting in the rustic ambience of the 14th century with old and newer wines.
  • 2000: Opening of the new outdoor terrace.
  • 2001: Birth of the second son Maximilian.
  • 2004: Renovation with redesign and renaming of the ballroom in “Alexandre”. The menu was given its own gourmet menu.
  • 2006: Renaming of the “Viennese coffee house” to “Geniesserrestaurant” and “Geniesserhotel”.
  • 2010: Start of our own line of spices, the “Gewürz Lodner” spices.
  • 2011: Acquisition of the “Drei Mohren” hotel.
  • 2016: Changeover of the menu to a purely gourmet restaurant and evening operation in the “Geniesserrestaurant”. At the same time, the “Lodners Drei Mohren” restaurant with home-style German-Austrian cuisine was opened.
  • 2019: Renovation and refurbishment of the outer facade of the “Hotel Drei Mohren”.

When Alexander Lodner acquired the “Geniesserhotel” building, he was faced with the task of how he could do justice to such a building. He succeeded in this with a great deal of tact, a high degree of personal contribution and years of work that will probably never be completed. He had to lead the building into the 20th / 21st century, but was not allowed to neglect the soul and thus the comfort that such a building exudes. With great attention to detail, the family created a haven of peace for body and soul, which is a clear commitment to conveying this attitude to life.

With the acquisition of the “Hotel Drei Mohren”, the size was already a challenge for the family. Such a historic building, repeatedly renovated, changed or adapted to the zeitgeist, made special demands on everyone involved. Even after all these years, the family would never say that the building is finished, there are always cautious improvements, the implementation of which should not disturb the guests too much, but should also not rob the building of the soul.

Just as with the buildings, the Lodner family also treat their guests. They carefully explore the needs and wishes of their guests and try to respond to them.

History of the „Lodners Hotel Drei Mohren“

  • 1552: Erected as a renaissance building for Jakob Herbrot (* 1493) from Augsburg. He was a very successful trader who also had business connections with the Fuggers. He was also the last guild mayor of the city of Augsburg and was jointly responsible for the entry of the Augsburg soldiers into the Schmalkaldic War on the Protestant side. After the loss of the war, he maintained contacts up to Emperor Karl V. Since he later wanted to support Elector Moritz von Sachsen with his troops, he fell out of favor with the Augsburgers, which is why he left the city in 1552 and went to Lauingen, where he built the building of today’s “Hotel Drei Mohren” built. Unfortunately, his sons led the trading company into bankruptcy, so that he died on April 21, 1564 in the debt tower.
  • 1591: The merchant Hans Rayser bought the building, which is why the house was known as Rayser’s house for a long time.
  • 1626: The city of Lauingen acquired the building, which remained in the city’s ownership until 1802.
  • It was during this time:
  • Seat of the city administration,
  • Quarters for officers and generals in times of war,
  • (for Prince Philipp Wilhelm, who had been proposed for election to the emperor, but which he refused.)
  • (for the Bavarian Elector Max Emanuel).
  • 1783- 1791-> Interim town hall during the construction of the new town hall.
  • 1802: Sale to the trading and forwarding company Nast & Co. Extensive renovation work followed and the subsequent sale of the magnificent building.
  • 1820: Acquisition by Hallwachs-Brodböck (forwarding agents).
  • 1833: Acquisition by Ernst Nenning, who converted the building into a wine trade, for which he received the concession from the Bavarian king. In the following time, a wine bar was added, which laid the “foundation” for the later hotel.
  • 1840: On August 17th August Deuringer (* 1794- +1842) from Augsburg bought the building. His father was the innkeeper of the Augsburg “To the Three Moors”. Based on this, he named his inn Lauingen as well. His widow continued his work from 1842-1860.
  • 1860: Johann Baptist Deuringer (* 1836- +1894) inherited the inn and continued it.
  • 1896: Innkeeper Matthäus Ritter von Adelsbuch.
  • 1902: Adolf von Gestecken ran the hotel until 1919 (the most prominent guest at that time was the Bavarian Crown Prince Rupprecht).
  • 1919: The city of Lauingen briefly took over the hotel and sold it to the Augsburg Aktienbrauerei (March 6, 1919). The associated land and the agricultural inventory were auctioned.
  • 1920: Max Stangl opens the new cinema (08.01.1920) in the “Hotel Drei Mohren”. From this point on it was a point of attraction for the population, where silent films such as “Demons of the World”, “Rays of Death” or “Vortex of Corruption” were shown and cast a spell over the guests.
  • 1930: on 08/27 Max Stangl announced the first sound film “Liebeswalzer” with Lilian Harvey and Willy Fritsch. A bridge to the modern era of film was built.
  • Later, Josef Amman took over the Drei Mohren Lichtspiele. He had the rooms adapted to the new zeitgeist again and again and through his choice of programs gave the Lauing population – through the medium of film – insights into a new world of culture and entertainment (Max Springer).
  • 1934: Bürger- und Engelbräu- Memmingen.
  • 1951: sonnenäu A. Böck.
  • 1985: the cinema closed.
  • 11/11/2011:
    • The Lodner family acquires the “Hotel Drei Mohren”. Carefully and lovingly, they begin with the restoration work on the historic building.
    • According to the motto: “Preserve the old, the new only as a supplement!” They work and live on and in the building.
  • 2012: Opening of the “Hotel Drei Mohren” after extensive renovation work on doors, stairwells, reception, bar and restaurant.
  • 2013: Conversion of the old cinema (furniture, etc. were no longer available when the building was purchased) into a small spice factory.
  • 2016: Installation of a combined heat and power plant – with heating and water supply – in order to meet the demands of the environment.
  • 2019: Redesign of the outer facade with new windows, which optically match the history of the building.

The “Hotel Drei Mohren” has a long history and the thick walls bear witness to a time long past.